January Essential Oil Special

$68.54 $54.83

Learning with LaRee

The aroma of LeEternity balances energy and improves both mood and mental outlook. It has powerful antimicrobial properties. LeEternity enhances vitamin and mineral absorption for the overall improvement of health and vitality. Because it helps the body absorb calcium, LeEternity can help prevent such things as osteoporosis. The oils in this blend have been used traditionally for various problems related to the cardiovascular system.

LeIntention affects the absorption of nutrients and the metabolic function of the body, improves the digestive function, tones and cleanses the liver, and prevents gallbladder inflammation. This blend stabilizes blood pressure fluctuations, tightens and tones the skin and tissues, and increases circulation. LeIntention has a building and sustaining influence on energy levels. You should use LeIntention is for those times (every day?) when life gets too intense and crazy, or we need peace.

The focus of LeKadence is the exhaustion, both mental and physical, that is associated with too much work and worry. LeKadence improves the uptake of nutrients to the brain and nervous system. It can help alleviate exhaustion in whatever form it has taken in the body and mind. LeKadence is especially useful for recovering from deep-seated or extended illnesses. It is often effective for quieting heart palpitations, especially those brought on by worrying.

Coriander is especially appropriate for creative individuals who struggle when locked into situations of predictability and routine. Coriander refreshes and revives our spirits. It can be helpful in overcoming the fear of failure or fear of making decisions. Coriander is particularly valuable during convalescence from illness when energy levels are low and stress is often high. Coriander is used for digestive problems such as flatulence, nausea, and stomach cramps. It has been used in treatment programs for anorexia.

Fenugreek is used as an aid to digestion and as an expectorant for the lungs and bronchioles. The herb is often used as a poultice for boils, cysts, and inflamed tissues. The oil should be even more powerful in those applications. Fenugreek stimulates perspiration, lowering fever while helping the body to rid itself of bacteria and toxins. Fenugreek is an excellent source of natural iron, silicon, sodium, and thiamine. You do not need to ingest the oil to reap the nutritional benefits.

Pine Needle oil is useful for moving on from regrets and self-judgment. It can bring relief from feeling the necessity to "carry the whole world" on our own shoulders. Helps us to establish a healthy respect for our own needs, including the need to rest and rejuvenate from time to time. Pine is also for those who confuse the acquisition of more and more "facts" as wisdom. Increases metabolism and nutrient absorption. Pine has a beneficial action on both the kidneys and the intestines, aiding them in their function of removing cellular waste and toxins from the body.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2021

January Essential Oil Special 

Pine Needle

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