Kid Favorite Blends

Learning with LaRee

Butterfly Express LLC has, over the years, created several blends that are particularly effective with children. These blends were usually created ‘one grandchild at a time’ and are among my personal favorites for use with children. This is in no way meant as a complete list of oils you can use with children. I have used most of the Butterfly blends and singles with my children. You should avoid hormone-balancing oils with children.

Read more about Children and Essential Oils here


In addition to the blends that were created for children (but often loved by adults) Butterfly has re-formulated three of their most popular blends in a Junior version for use on children.  I have used the originals on my children and grandchildren for years.  These Junior versions have been formulated with less Birch and Wintergreen so they do not require a child-resistant cap.  Adults are loving these new blends so I recommend that you try both. 

19 results
3 Oil Kit - <sup>Le</sup>Breezey Jr., <sup>Le</sup>Deeper Jr., <sup>Le</sup>Paine Jr.
<sup>Le</sup>Angel Essential Oil
<sup>Le</sup>Baby Me Essential Oil
<sup>Le</sup>Breezey Junior Essential Oil
<sup>Le</sup>Deeper Junior Essential Oil
<sup>Le</sup>Delicate Essential Oil
<sup>Le</sup>Dreams Essential Oil
<sup>Le</sup>Exhale Essential Oil
<sup>Le</sup>EZ Traveler Essential Oil
<sup>Le</sup>GoodNite Essential Oil
<sup>Le</sup>Julia Essential Oil