LeKadence Essential Oil
4oz and larger bottles are sold for refilling, they are not intended for daily use.
For More information see the Bottle Size Usage Guide.
Learning with LaRee
The focus of LeKadence is the exhaustion, both mental and physical, that is associated with too much work and worry. LeKadence improves the uptake of nutrients to the brain and nervous system. It can help alleviate exhaustion in whatever form it has taken in the body and mind. LeKadence is especially useful for recovering from deep-seated or extended illnesses. It is often effective for quieting heart palpitations, especially those brought on by worrying.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020, 2024
Kadence Essential Oil

Allspice, Cedarwood, Orange Sweet, Ylang
Available In:
Essential Oil
Included in Kit:
Blends Collection, Foot Zoner Kit
Other Oils to Consider:
LeExhilaration, LeGoodNite, LeGrace, LeKey to My Heart, LeTranquility, LeVitality
Spicy, Citrus