White Fireweed Alaska Flower

Potency: 5X

Learning with LaRee

WHITE FIREWEED (Epilobium angustifolium)

Indications: deep emotional shock and trauma; profound alienation from the body after an experience of sexual or emotional abuse.
Healing Qualities: calms the emotional body after a traumatic or shocking experience; helps us release the imprint of painful emotional experiences from the cellular memory so that rejuvenation can begin.
Emotional Considerations: Abuse, Alienation, Animals/Animal Care, Ascension, Completion, Dental Care, Earth Healing, Fulfillment, Grief, Premenstrual, Recovery, Release, Resolution, Sensuality/Sexuality, Shock, Suffering, Trauma
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White Fireweed Alaska Flower

Available In:
Alaska Flower BW White, Alaska Flower BW, Range of Light BW

More Information:
Homeopathic Remedies I Book
Homeopathic Remedies II Book
Homeopathic Remedies Book Bundle

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