Uva Ursi Dry Herb Pack

Arctostaphylos uva ursi

Learning with LaRee

Uva Ursi was routinely prescribed in many European hospitals as a postpartum medicine to reduce hemorrhage, restore the uterus to normal size, soothe the urinary tract, and promote the passage of urine—a problem more often that most people realize, unless you are a midwife. Uva Ursi also has a reputation for women’s issues such as excessive menstruation. It is also useful for prostate weakness and urinary issues in men. Uva Ursi strengthens the heart muscle, and has a tonic and balancing effect on the spleen, liver, pancreas, and small intestine. Uva Ursi is a traditional remedy for blood sugar issues. Because of its effects on the urinary tract, Uva Ursi is also useful for arthritis, gout, and bed-wetting.
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