Kali phosphoricum Tissue Salt #6

$7.50 $6.75
Potency: 5X

Learning with LaRee

Kali phosphoricum (Kali phos.) Function; the maintenance of the nervous system through the movement of nutrients through cell walls and from cell to cell.
Deficiency symptoms: nerve problems include the whole spectrum of emotional issues, some of which are listed here. Muscle fatigue, muscle spasms, menstrual cramping, general weakness, nervous headaches, lack of energy, sleeplessness, all symptoms associated with exhausted adrenal glands, poor vision, gums that bleed easily, poor digestion and elimination, diarrhea/ constipation, vomiting, skin problems, nervous asthma, low blood pressure, heart palpitations and arrhythmias, irritability, memory and concentration issues, instability of emotions and thought patterns (unable to connect cause and effect where personal actions and choices are concerned), depression, dark forebodings, looking only at the downside of situations, timidity, tantrums, oversensitivity to noise. A key-note of Kali Phos deficiency is the omission of letters or words when writing, The use of wrong words, and confusion of ideas and thoughts when making a presentation or explaining something. Periods of extreme stress or illness, as well as prolonged less severe stress, deplete the body's stores of Kali Phos. Kali Phos is often deficient in elderly persons. Nat Sulp is a necessary preliminary treatment for Kali Phos.
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