Periwinkle Dry Herb Pack

Vinca minor

Learning with LaRee

Periwinkle has an effect on the blood and like nearly all herbals can benefit both sides of a situation—it can slow or stop bleeding on the one hand or increase the circulation to the brain on the other hand. Periwinkle is an excellent herb in nervous disorders, and as a muscle relaxant can help with things from muscle cramps to headache.Periwinkle is not a common herb but I have found that it adds some important pieces to the IBL recipe. Periwinkle seems to bring better circulation to the brain, enhancing memory and the ability to concentrate, especially in the elderly.
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Periwinkle Dry Herb Pack

Latin Name:
Vinca minor

Part Utilized:
Leaf and Seed

Ingredient in:


Available In:
Dry Herb Pack, Tincture

How to Make Tinctures
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Practical Uses

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