Blue Elf Viola Alaska Flower
Learning with LaRee
BLUE ELF VIOLA (Viola sp.)
Indications: unable to express anger in a clear and nonviolent way; difficulty resolving conflict, especially in group situations.
Healing Qualities: dissipates the protective energy that has been built up around our anger, rage, and frustration: helps us understand the issues at the root of these emotions so they can be expressed in a clear and heart centered way.
Emotional Considerations: Ancestral Healing, Anger, Centering, Death & Dying, Expression, Forgiveness, Frustration, Heart, Inner Child, Releasing, Resentment, Resolution
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2014, 2022
Blue Elf Viola Alaska Flower
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Homeopathic Remedies I Book
Homeopathic Remedies II Book
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