3 Oil Kit - LeMillenia, LeTranquility, LeVictory


Learning with LaRee

LeMillenia is a very low frequency oil. This makes it very effective for working on issues of physical structure and alignment. “Chiropractor in a bottle” is a good description of this blend except that LeMillenia aligns so much more than just physical structures. LeMillenia aligns the electrical energies of the body, balances every meridian, and energizes every chakra. In addition, LeMillenia maintains the integrity of the connective tissues that wrap, connect, and protect every organ and balances the emotions connected to each organ. One of my favorite uses for LeMillenia is in working with ADHD and hyperactivity. Applying LeMillenia to the feet at least once a day can make a profound difference in a child’s ability to sit still and concentrate.

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LeTranquility promotes relaxation, relieves anxiety, stress, tension, and depression. LeTranquility is useful as a sleep aid, especially when the problem is “mind chatter” that just won’t quit. Instead of sleeping, even though we need sleep badly, we lay there reviewing the past day in our minds or making plans for tomorrow. LeTranquility helps us take a step back from a situation so that we may come to a fuller understanding of all aspects of the situation. From this perspective we are usually able to see solutions to our dilemmas more easily. LeTranquility has been used in programs to help children and adults get off Ritalin and Prozac.

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LeVictory is especially useful for those with ADHD, OCD, autism, or neurological disorders. Each step forward when working with learning disabilities or any type of neurological malfunction is a victory and a celebration. The ingredients of LeVictory are so well-balanced and synergistically combined that they act as catalysts for the re-building of nerve tissues, and yet are soothing to the nervous system and the emotions at the same time. LeVictory is an excellent oil for children who have a difficult time moving from the left (logical) side of the brain to the right (creative) side of the brain. It helps connect thought patterns and electrical activity across the corpus callosum. This blend is a perfect choice for the child who sometimes has a hard time separating fantasy and reality. For adults, this blend is very calming and can bring each of us to a place where we can accept what is and who we are without fear of failure or rejection.

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3 Oil kit - LeMillenia, LeTranquility, LeVictory

Essential Oils 10ml (3)
LeMillenia, LeTranquility, LeVictory

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