Cascara Sagrada Dry Herb Pack

Rhamnus purshiana

Learning with LaRee

Cascara contains significant amounts of calcium, B complex vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin A, sodium, chlorine (in the natural and usable state that the body requires a small amount of), magnesium, iron, niacin, and trace amounts of manganese, silicon, and vitamin C. Cascara is one of those herbs that is known throughout the world, from culture to culture, and is used for exactly the same purposes in each country. The beauty of Cascara Sagrada is that is restores natural bowel function without cramping and horrible diarrhea. This herb is not habit-forming and does not, as do chemical laxatives, create a dependency on itself for the bowels to continue to function properly.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020

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