Cotton Grass Alaska Flower

$7.50 $6.75
Potency: 5X

Learning with LaRee

COTTON GRASS (Eriophorum sp.)

Indications: shock and trauma resulting from an accident or injury of any kind; fixating on one’s discomfort rather than on the healing process; unable to completely heal an old injury because of a lack of awareness of what led to its creation.
Healing Qualities: helps a person come to an understanding of the core issues that led to an accident or injury so that they can release the physical, emotional, and mental trauma associated with it.
Emotional Considerations: Abuse, Accidents, Ancestral Healing, Animals/Animal Care, Assimilation, Attachment, Children, Completion, Death & Dying, Dental Care, Earth Healing, Grief, Grounding, Inner Child, Perspective, Recovery, Regeneration, Regrowth, Release, Renewal, Restoration, Shock, Suffering, Surrendering, Trauma
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