Five Flower Formula Bach

Potency: 5X

Learning With LaRee


Positive Qualities: Calmness and stability in any emergency or time of high stress.
Patterns of Imbalance: Panic. Disorientation. Loss of consciousness.
Five Flower Formula is most effective when used on the occasion of any profound trauma or emergency in helping the person cope with extreme pain and shock. Five Flower Formula brings immediate calm and helps with the physical and emotional aspects of shock.
This formula is also useful for energy work when the client becomes too involved in the trauma they are trying to work on. I have also found this remedy to be a wonderful resource for children that are upset or frightened. All five of the included remedies may be used on their own, but they are particularly effective when combined into a single bottle and administered together in this manner.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2014, 2022

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