Hibiscus Flower Glycerin
Hibiscus sabdariffa
4oz and larger are sold for refilling, they are not intended for daily use. Store product away from direct sunlight with lids tightened to maintain the integrity of the product.
Learning with LaRee
Hibiscus flowers contain some powerful anti-oxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and anthocyanin. Anti-oxidants protect against free radicals that so often cause connective tissue damage. How important is this protection? Connective tissue is found between the layers of tissues everywhere in the body, including the brain and spinal cord!
Hibiscus, consumed daily, can reduce cholesterol (the bad for you kind—LDL) levels while increasing HDL (the good stuff made naturally by the body). This makes it useful in reducing high blood pressure and protecting the liver from developing Fatty Liver Disease.
One of my favorite things about Hibiscus flowers is that studies have shown that they help prevent calcium crystals in the kidneys from becoming kidney stones.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2024
Hibiscus Flower Glycerin
Latin Name:
Hibiscus sabdariffa
Part Utilized:
Ingredient In:
Available In:
Glycerin, Tincture
How to Make Tinctures
Practical Uses
Alcohol Herbal Tincture
Glycerin Herbal Tinctures
Straining Herbal Tinctures