Northern Lady's Slipper Alaska Flower

Potency: 5X

Learning with LaRee

NORTHERN LADY’S SLIPPER (Cypripedium passerinum)

Indications: weak body/soul connection; traumatic birth experience; pain and trauma held very deeply in the body.
Healing Qualities: nurturing energy for the healing of core traumas and wounds that are being held very deeply in the body; helps us allow our beings to be touched and healed by infinite gentleness.
Emotional Considerations: Abuse, Animals/Animal Care, Belonging, Birth, Children, Feminine, Focus, Inner Child, Life-Purpose, Nurturing, Opening, Purpose, Resistance, Safety, Suffering, Trauma
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Northern Lady's Slipper Alaska Flower

Available In:
Alaska Flower BW Northern, Alaska Flower BW, North American BW

More Information:
Homeopathic Remedies I Book
Homeopathic Remedies II Book
Homeopathic Remedies Book Bundle

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