Usnea Tincture
Usnea barbata
4oz and larger are sold for refilling, they are not intended for daily use. Store product away from direct sunlight with lids tightened to maintain the integrity of the product.
Learning with LaRee
Usnea has been one of my favorite herbs ever since I first became acquainted with it. Usnea is specific for strep and staph infections and is strongly anti-fungal. It mixes well with other herbs such as Pau D’Arco and Yarrow. The antibacterial properties of Usnea, combined with the astringent properties of Yarrow, dries out the mucous membranes of the lungs and bronchial tubes in pneumonia and bronchitis better than anything else I know. Pau D’Arco and Usnea combine to make a powerful anti-fungal remedy, to be taken internally or applied topically. Usnea is an immune system tonic that can be used in acute situations as well as for long term immune enhancement and general prevention of autoimmune disorders.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020
Usnea Tincture
Latin Name:
Usnea barbata
Part Utilized:
Ingredient In:
BAC, BRON, CAN, CF, EUST, FN, IF, PL, SS, Yarrow/Usnea
Available In:
Tincture, Dry Herb Pack, Blessed Water
How to Make Tinctures
Practical Uses
Alcohol Herbal Tincture
Glycerin Herbal Tinctures
Straining Herbal Tinctures