ABF Dry Herb Pack
(Formerly Afterbirth Formula)
Learning with LaRee
To be used for the pain of after-birth contractions. This is an amazingly effective formula. The St. John’s Wort cleanses the uterus, removing any last tiny pieces of placenta, while lifting the mood and helping the mother avoid postpartum depression. The Yarrow helps to control unnecessary bleeding and the other herbs are for pain relief while, at the same time, assuring that the uterus folds down properly (and stays folded).
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020
ABF Dry Herb Pack
Catnip, Cramp Bark, Motherwort, Skullcap, St. John's Wort, Yarrow
Available In:
Dry Herb Pack, Tincture
How to Make Tinctures
How to Make Salves
How to Make Herbal Teas
How to Make Poultice - Compress
How to Make Liniments
Practical Uses
Alcohol Herbal Tincture
Glycerin Herbal Tinctures
Straining Herbal Tinctures