LeSolitude Essential Oil
4oz and larger bottles are sold for refilling, they are not intended for daily use.
For More information see the Bottle Size Usage Guide.
Learning with LaRee
LeSolitude can be useful in creating an atmosphere of peace and quiet in which to regenerate and rebuild emotional reserves. Brings peace and happiness to mind and body. It has been useful to some in overcoming depression and coping with anxiety. The name of this blend, LeSolitude, is an appropriate description of the mood this blend creates - that of spending some time in solitary contemplation and regeneration of one's self.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020, 2024
Solitude Essential Oil

Cabreuva, Chamomile German, Katrafay, Lavender, Marjoram, Rosewood, Orange Sweet
Available In:
Essential Oil
Included in Kit:
Blends Collection
Other Oils to Consider:
LeHeartSong, LeTranquility, LeSanctuary, LeVisibility
Herbaceous, Citrus