Ginger Essential Oil

Zingiber officinale

4oz and larger bottles are sold for refilling, they are not intended for daily use.
For More information see the Bottle Size Usage Guide.

Learning with LaRee

Ginger essential oil increases physical energy and stamina. It influences how we relate to money and how we feel about our material possessions. Ginger is for the usually dynamic individual who has lost their drive and ambition and has become apathetic and confused. Ginger warms the body and the soul, helping one to tap into hidden reserves of energy. Ginger is toning and stimulating to the digestive tract and for circulation. Ginger should always be diluted very well.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020

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Ginger Essential Oil

Ingredient In:
LeDiminish, LeExhilaration, LeFocus, LeLiteN, LeTransition,  LeWithin

Available In:
Essential Oil, Tincture, Dry Herb Pack

Botanical Name:
Zingiber officinale

Country of Origin:

Extraction Method:
Steam Distilled

Part Utilized:

Plant Family:


Ginger is extremely potent, almost caustic. Undiluted or used too often, it may irritate sensitive skin. Ginger is phototoxic; you must avoid direct sunlight on skin to which it has been applied for at least 12 hours. Never use more than 1 drop in the bath. Ginger opens the capillaries so quickly that a severe headache can result if more than a single drop is used.

Ginger Information Cards

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