BC Dry Herb Pack

(Formerly Bowel Cleanser)
Size: 5.25oz

Learning with LaRee

This formula is used to loosen old fecal matter and clean the bowel. It is very effective if used as part of a complete cleanse with moderate fasting, enemas, herbal teas, and clay/psyllium husk drinks. During the cleansing period, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. These will provide the necessary enzymes for rebuilding the intestinal tract. Some people prefer to grind the herbs in this formula until they are very fine. Then they put the powdered herbs into a capsule. They do this because the tincture is a bit hot. Use 2-6 capsules morning and night. Alternatively, take 1 dropper full of tincture morning and night.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020

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