BHM Plus Salve Dry Herb Pack
(Formerly Drawing Salve)
Learning with LaRee
This salve has all the same herbs as the BHM salve, with the addition of herbs that are specific to infections and suppurating sores. This is a very potent salve! It is better at drawing out infections than anything I have ever seen on the market—both herbal and otherwise. This salve is strong enough to handle even wide-spread infections, especially if made with as much fresh plant material as possible.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020
BHM Plus Salve Dry Herb Pack
Bay Leaf, Black Walnut Hulls, Chaparral, Comfrey Root, Fenugreek, Lobelia, Marshmallow, Mullein Leaf, Mullein Flower, Oregon Grape, Plantain, Poke Root, Red Clover, Skullcap, Uva Ursi, White Oak, Wormwood
Available In:
Dry Herb Pack, Salve
How to Make Tinctures
How to Make Salves
How to Make Herbal Teas
How to Make Poultice - Compress
How to Make Liniments
Practical Uses
Alcohol Herbal Tincture
Glycerin Herbal Tinctures
Straining Herbal Tinctures