Miracle Salve
(Formerly Healing/Burn)
Learning with LaRee
Miracle salve contains 5 very amazing herbs: Comfrey, Lobelia, Mullein, Oregon Grape, and Plantain. This salve was made specifically for treating burns and has been used on everything from mild sunburns to very severe burns. I like to add Lavender when using it to treat burns of any kind. This salve was renamed Miracle Salve because of the many miracles we have seen using it. Additional oils you may consider using with it are Yarrow, Helichrysum, Tea Tree, and/or Geranium. If I were to only have one herbal salve in my home, it would be this one.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020
Miracle Salve
Herbs Used:
Comfrey Root, Lobelia, Mullein Flower, Mullein Leaf, Oregon Grape, Plantain
Carrier Oils Used:
Almond oil, Sunflower oil, Vitamin E oil
Available In:
Salve, Dry Herb Pack
Included in Kit:
First Response Kit, Foot Zoner Kit, Happy Kiddo Kit, Mini Starter Kit, New Mommy & Baby Kit, Pregnancy Kit,
What are Salves:
Herbal salves are wonderful things! They are convenient to use and very powerful. Salves are made with a combination of herbs, carrier oils, and a solidifier. We prefer beeswax for our solidifier. It is a natural thickener and interacts well with the skin. It allows the skin to breathe and softens rapidly on the skin. Almond oil is the main carrier oil in our salves. We prefer almond oil because it has a mild smell, has one of the lowest rancidity factors of any carrier oil, and can handle high temperatures. The other carrier oils were chosen for their high Vitamin E and antioxidant content.