Rosehips Tincture

Rosa canina
$10.59 $9.53

4oz and larger are sold for refilling, they are not intended for daily use. Store product away from direct sunlight with lids tightened to maintain the integrity of the product.

Learning with LaRee

Rosehips have extremely high levels of vitamins, particularly vitamin C. Other nutrients include vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and K as well as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, choline, betaine, and the minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and fluoride. The nutrients in Rosehips are in an extremely absorbable form. Rosehips are a gentle remedy for diarrhea and they are mildly diuretic. In addition, Rosehips reduce thirst and alleviate gastric inflammation. In folk remedies in the early years in America, Rosehips were considered a remedy for chest problems. Iron needs vitamin C to be absorbed; take vitamin C during pregnancy and at other times when the absorption of additional iron is needed. Vitamin C also supports and enhances immune system function.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020

Read More from Butterfly Expressions

Rosehips Tincture

Latin Name:
Rosa canina

Part Utilized:

Available In:
Tincture (Part Apple Cider Vinegar), Dry Herb Pack, Carrier Oil 

Included in Kit:
Complete Flu Kit, Grab N' Go Complete Kit, Grab N' Go Tincture Kit

How to Make Tinctures
Practical Uses

Alcohol Herbal Tincture
Glycerin Herbal Tinctures
Straining Herbal Tinctures

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