LS Tincture
(Formerly Labor Stimulator)
4oz and larger are sold for refilling, they are not intended for daily use. Store product away from direct sunlight with lids tightened to maintain the integrity of the product.
Learning with LaRee
This is generally made by adding 2 ounces of Blue Cohosh tincture and a half ounce of Bayberry tincture to one ounce of FSW tincture. This keeps the proportion correct and doesn’t give you such a large quantity. LS is meant to stimulate a labor that has stalled out or is progressing abnormally slow. Using Lobelia/Cayenne at the same time is particularly effective. This formula does not induce labor. Attempting to use it in this way will most likely only make you even more uncomfortable for a time and you will end up continuing to wait anyway. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn patience (and waiting on the Lord’s timetable). If this formula seemed to work for someone to start labor, it was because everything was ready and labor would have started in a few hours on its own anyway. from Butterfly Expressions
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020
LS Tincture
Herbs used:
Bayberry Root, Blessed Thistle, Blue Cohosh, Canada (Wild Ginger) Snake, False Unicorn, Lobelia, Motherwort, Raspberry Leaf, Squawvine, Wild Yam
Available In:
How to Make Tinctures
Practical Uses
Alcohol Herbal Tincture
Glycerin Herbal Tinctures
Straining Herbal Tinctures