LeJulia Essential Oil
4oz and larger bottles are sold for refilling, they are not intended for daily use.
For More information see the Bottle Size Usage Guide.
Learning with LaRee
LeJulia is the best digestive oil for infants and small children and is also loved by many adults. Calms and soothes the emotions, allowing the "knots" in the stomach to dissolve. The synergy of the oils in this blend creates an atmosphere where fear, anxiety, and the need to hold on tightly to emotions can be released. It seems odd that infants and small children should have such issues, but the birth process and coming into this world can be a difficult transition for some sensitive spirits.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020, 2024
Julia Essential Oil

Anethi, Caraway, Chamomile Roman, Lavender Officinalis, Orange Sweet, Peppermint Piperita
Available In:
Essential Oil
Included in Kit:
Blends Collection, Happy Kiddo Kit, New Mommy, & Baby Kit
Other Oils to Consider:
LeInsideOut LeTranquility, Chamomile Roman, Orange Sweet, Peppermint