MH Tincture
(Formerly Men’s Herbs)
4oz and larger are sold for refilling, they are not intended for daily use. Store product away from direct sunlight with lids tightened to maintain the integrity of the product.
Learning with LaRee
MH promotes prostate, kidney, and bladder health as well as providing minerals needed to handle daily stress. MH should be used with LeBalance and LeEndoRelief essential oil blends. It is often helpful to supplement zinc. Cayenne is high in zinc, but there is not enough of it in this recipe to provide sufficient zinc if a deficiency exists.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions LLC 2020
MH Tincture
Herbs used:
Cayenne, Ginseng Root, Goldenseal Root, Hawthorn Berries, Juniper Berries, Marshmallow
Available In:
Tincture, Dry Herb Pack
How to Make Tinctures
Practical Uses
Alcohol Herbal Tincture
Glycerin Herbal Tinctures
Straining Herbal Tinctures