Parsley Mix Dry Herb Pack

Petroselinum crispum

Learning with LaRee

Parsley seeds and roots are said to have a much stronger diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and toxin flushing actions than the leaves. Parsley Leaf tea is refreshing and quite enjoyable. I have found it to be sufficiently strong to accomplish all of the things listed below for Parsley Root. Parsley is rich in vitamins and minerals, and contains a lot of easily assimilated iron. Parsley contains whopping amounts of vitamins A, B, C, and E. The B vitamins alone make it worthwhile to add to your food recipes and to use frequently as a medicinal herb. Parsley also contains iron and flavonoids that are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Perhaps, considering all the nutrients found in Parsley, we should be chomping that decorative little herb down with our salad instead of setting it aside.
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